Monday, January 31, 2011

My Winter Wonderland Episode II

“It’s too cold to snow” is one of those wretched lies that parents tell their children in an attempt to get them to stop whinging whilst simultaneously destroying their tiny dreams. It’s right up there with “it’s around then next bend” and “just one more bite then you can have ice cream”. It is never too cold to snow. I know this for two reasons: it is currently snowing and it is indeed too cold. Secondly, Antarctica. The penguins told me*.

I have also discovered through extensive research and self study that one does loses the most heat from ones arse. No matter how large and padded it may be.

This morning I awoke to one of the most beautiful sites ever. My world was white. As I have mentioned before we don’t get this often in Kunisaki so when it does happen I devolve into the small snow deprived small child.

We must have had about 5-6cm of snow overnight, which is miraculous in that it was and still is around this morning. I had to walk to school as my driveway is too steep and slippery and also because I chose to stay in bed for an extra 10 minutes rather than dig my car out.

Half the teachers were missing by the time I got to school. I was late because my inner child insisted on leaving no patch of pavement snow undisturbed. As a result first period was joyously canceled and I was free to roam the grounds and take photos.

Some are pretty similar to last years snow day collection but you can find them here: clicky clicky

*and by penguins I mean Stephen Fry and QI

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